Kitesurf Masters

11 08.2016
Kitesurf Masters locken tausende Zuschauer nach St. Peter-Ording.
Drei Tage lang haben die Kitesurf Masters das Nordseebad St. Peter-Ording in ein Kiterparadies verwandelt. An allen drei Tagen herrschten perfekte Bedingungen für die Brettartisten. Bei vier bis sechs Windstärken und strahlendem Sonnenschein pilgerten mehrere zehntausend Besucher in das Eventvillage und an den Nordseestrand. Die deutsche Kite-Elite bot in den drei Disziplinen Racing, Slalom und Freestyle eine beeindruckende Show auf dem Wasser.

Am Freitag wurde die Veranstaltung mit der Disziplin Racing eröffnet. Hier treffen aktuell zwei unterschiedliche Boardtypen aufeinander: Die klassischen Raceboards und die neuen Foilboards, bei denen die Kiter scheinbar schwerelos über das Wasser fliegen. Florian Gruber, der Weltmeister von 2015 dominierte hier überlegen und sicherte sich damit den Sieg in der Gesamtwertung und bei den Foilboards. „Wir hatten hier wirklich mal andere Bedingungen mit extrem guter Windausbeute und Welle. Vorneweg zu fahren und zu gewinnen macht natürlich immer Spaß!“, freut sich Gruber. Auf dem zweiten Platz bei den Foilern folgte Andi Hanrieder. Den dritten Platz sicherte sich Frank Rosin. Bei den klassischen Raceboards siegte mit Jannis Maus, der Deutsche Meister von 2015, vor Elias Ouahmid. „Ich freue mich mega so weit vorne mitzufahren. Es war cool, dass wir so viele verschiedene Bedingungen hatten - man wurde auf allen Bedingungen getestet.“, erzählt Elias Ouahmid. Der dritte Platz ging an Emmanuel Norman. Bei den Racing-Damen freute sich Anett Bremer über den ersten Platz. Leonie Meyer siegte bei den Foil-Damen.

Am Samstag ging es weiter mit der Disziplin Slalom. Dies ist die Nachwuchsklasse bei den Kitesurf Masters. Hier treten die Fahrer in den Altersstufen Youth (U-19) und Junior (U-17) an. In mehreren Startergruppen rasten die Kiter über einen Slalomkurs. Die besten fünf qualifizierten sich dabei für das Finale. Beim Slalom in St. Peter-Ording gab es im Finale einen spannenden Showdown zwischen dem Junior Xaver Kiebler und Elias Ouahmid, der in der Youth Kategorie antritt. Im Finalrennen konnte sich Xaver Kiebler durchsetzen und sicherte sich so den Sieg im Slalom sowie in der Juniorenwertung. Xaver: „Wir hatten heute mit vielen Winddrehern zu kämpfen. Downwind passte, aber Höhe halten war schwierig. Ich freue mich aber total über die Platzierung.“ Auf Platz zwei bei den Junioren folgte Jan Burgdörfer vor Julian Hein. Elias Ouahmid siegte bei den Youth U-19 vor Jan-Philipp Ehm und Jan-Niklas Paasch.

Am Freitag konnte bereits die Vorrunde in der Disziplin Freestyle ausgetragen werden. Mit den Achtel- und Viertelfinalen ging es am Samstag weiter. Am Sonntag nahm der Wind dann auf sechs Windstärken zu und brachte so spektakuläre Bedingungen für die Halbfinal- und Finalläufe. An allen Tagen entfesselten die Freestyler ein Feuerwerk von Tricks. Durch die perfekten Bedingungen in St. Peter-Ording fanden die Wettbewerbe unmittelbar an der Wasserkante statt und die vielen Zuschauer konnten die Action zum Anfassen nah erleben.

Bei den Herren standen sich im Finale mit Marian Hund und Linus Erdmann die Deutschen Meister von 2015 und 2014 gegenüber. Das Finale war an Dramatik kaum zu überbieten. Bei einem Sturz schlug der Schirm von Linus Erdmann auf einer Sandbank auf und platzte. Er verlor so wertvolle Wettkampfzeit, bis er einen Ersatzschirm hatte. Diese konnte Marian Hund nutzen, um Punkte zu sammeln. In der letzten Sekunde feuerte Linus Erdmann noch einen sensationellen „Double Heart Attack“ ab. Damit konnte er sich im letzten Moment noch den Sieg im Freestyle sichern. “Es war ein super Event hier in SPO. Im Finale hatten wir extrem viel Wind. Marian und ich haben beide eine sehr gute Leistung gezeigt. Ich freue mich mega über den Sieg!“.

Marian Hund behält mit seinem zweiten Platz alle Chancen für eine erfolgreiche Titelverteidigung beim Finale auf Norderney. „SPO war ein tolles Event. Leider konnte ich im Freestyle-Finale nicht alles so umsetzen, wie gewollt und mein letzter Trick fiel aus der Wertung. Wir hatten trotzdem alle eine Menge Spaß.“, sagt Hund. Auf dem dritten Platz liegt Jan Schiegnitz.

Bei den Damen siegte die amtierenden Deutsche Meisterin Sabrina Lutz vor Anne Valvatne. Platz drei ging an Helen Döpke. Lutz: „Cooler Event! Drei Tage Wind - drei Tage unterschiedliche Bedingungen. Es ist super für mich gelaufen!“.

Im Freestyle der Junioren setzte sich Janis Rummer in einem spannenden Finale gegen Tom Maurer durch. Jasper Lund sicherte sich die Bronze-Medaille.

Nach drei actiongeladenen Tagen in St. Peter-Ording ziehen die Organisatoren der Kitesurf Masters eine begeisterte Bilanz. „Der Tourstopp in St. Peter-Ording war ein voller Erfolg. Wir hatten erstklassigen Sport bei besten Bedingungen auf dem Wasser. Viele tausend Besucher sorgten für eine unglaubliche Kulisse. Die Zusammenarbeit mit der Tourismus-Zentrale und den Behörden vor Ort war mustergültig und es gab praktisch keine Probleme. Damit wurde eine gute Basis geschaffen, um die Kitesurf Masters langfristig in St. Peter-Ording zu etablieren.“, sagt Matthias Regber von der Choppy Water GmbH.

Für die Kite-Elite gibt es jetzt eine Woche Pause. Anschließend findet vom 19. bis 21. August auf Norderney das Finale statt.



Disziplin Racing:
    Overall: Florian Gruber, Jannis Maus, Andi Hanrieder
    Foilboard: Florian Gruber, Andi Hanrieder, Frank Rosin
    Raceboard: Jannis Maus, Elias Ouamid, Emmanuel Norman
    Damen Racing: Annett Bremer
    Damen Foil: Leonie Meyer
    Junioren Raceboard: Elias Ouahmid, Jan Bremer
    Junioren Foilboard: Julian Hein

Disziplin Slalom:
    Overall: Xaver Kiebler, Elias Ouahmid, Jan-Philipp Ehm
    Youth (U-19): Elias Ouahmid, Jan-Philip Ehm, Jan-Niklas Paasch
    Junior (U-17): Xaver Kiebler, Jan Burgdörfer, Julian Hein
Disziplin Freestyle:
    Men: Linus Erdmann, Marian Hund, Jan Schiegnitz
    Women: Sabrina Lutz, Anne Valvatne, Helen Döpke
    Junior: Janis Rummer, Tom Maurer, Jasper Lund

Yoga meets Kitesurfing

11 08.2016
Yoga wird immer beliebter und in Verbindung mit Kitesurfen wird das zu einem ganz neuen Erlebnis, sowohl für Anfänger als auch für diejenigen, die schon einige Erfahrung damit haben.
Die Planet Allsports Wassersportstation am Hotel Capo Reamol am Gardasee, übrigens einer der besten Spots für Wind- und Kitesurfer,  bietet in der Zeit von 16. Bis 19. September 2016 ein spezielles Camp mit Wind- bzw. Kitesurfen direkt am Hotel Capo Reamol.

Die Teams von Planet Allsports und von Yogi Stefanie Summer führen Dich in die jeweilige Sportart ein und kombinieren dies mit einer entsprechenden Yogapraxis. Eine optimale Kombi um dich auf deine Surfsession vorzubereiten egal ob du schon ein Pro bist oder noch Einsteiger und die Faszination Windsurfen oder Kiten noch lernen möchtest. An vier intensiven Tagen wechseln wir zwischen Kite- und Surfsession und Yoga ab und holen dich ab aus deinem Alltag. Stefanie unterrichtet dich in 6 Yoga-Einheiten á 90 Minuten, angelehnt an den Yogastil ANUSARA®. Die universalen Ausrichtungsprinzipien unterstützen dich dabei, dich intensiv mit deinem Körper und dadurch mit deinem wahren inneren Potential zu verbinden und so die innere Fülle und Freiheit bewusst zu erleben. Die Windsurf- und Kitekurse finden in kleinen Gruppen statt und richten sich genau nach deinem persönlichen Level damit du deine persönlichen Ziele leicht und schnell erreichst. Yoga und Wassersport die perfekte Ergänzung! Es gibt verschiedene Angebotspakete, die jeweils 4 Tage/3Nächte im DZ mit Halbpension im Hotel Capo Reamol am Gardasee sowie 6 Yoga-Sessions a´ 90 Minuten beinhalten.  Los geht’s bei günstigen € 495,-- pro Person – schnell buchen, die Plätze sind begrenzt. Hier geht’s zur Infoseite.

Yoga meets Windsurfing

11 08.2016
Yoga wird immer beliebter und in Verbindung mit Windsurfen wird das zu einem ganz neuen Erlebnis, sowohl für Anfänger als auch für diejenigen, die schon einige Erfahrung damit haben.
Die Planet Allsports Wassersportstation am Hotel Capo Reamol am Gardasee, übrigens einer der besten Spots für Wind- und Kitesurfer,  bietet in der Zeit von 16. Bis 19. September 2016 ein spezielles Camp mit Wind- bzw. Kitesurfen direkt am Hotel Capo Reamol.

Die Teams von Planet Allsports und von Yogi Stefanie Summer führen Dich in die jeweilige Sportart ein und kombinieren dies mit einer entsprechenden Yogapraxis. Eine optimale Kombi um dich auf deine Surfsession vorzubereiten egal ob du schon ein Pro bist oder noch Einsteiger und die Faszination Windsurfen oder Kiten noch lernen möchtest. An vier intensiven Tagen wechseln wir zwischen Kite- und Surfsession und Yoga ab und holen dich ab aus deinem Alltag. Stefanie unterrichtet dich in 6 Yoga-Einheiten á 90 Minuten, angelehnt an den Yogastil ANUSARA®. Die universalen Ausrichtungsprinzipien unterstützen dich dabei, dich intensiv mit deinem Körper und dadurch mit deinem wahren inneren Potential zu verbinden und so die innere Fülle und Freiheit bewusst zu erleben. Die Windsurf- und Kitekurse finden in kleinen Gruppen statt und richten sich genau nach deinem persönlichen Level damit du deine persönlichen Ziele leicht und schnell erreichst. Yoga und Wassersport die perfekte Ergänzung! Es gibt verschiedene Angebotspakete, die jeweils 4 Tage/3Nächte im DZ mit Halbpension im Hotel Capo Reamol am Gardasee sowie 6 Yoga-Sessions a´ 90 Minuten beinhalten. Los geht’s bei günstigen € 495,-- pro Person – schnell buchen, die Plätze sind begrenzt. Hier geht’s zur Infoseite.

DWC 2016

09 08.2016
"Baltic Beach Days" vom 11. bis 14. August am Schönberger Strand
Der letzte Tourstopp des Deutschen Windsurf Cups (DWC) 2016 findet auch in diesem Jahr am Schönberger Strand statt. So konnte sich das Ostseebad zum wiederholten Mal das Finale des DWC sichern. Vom 11. bis 14. August 2016 werden die besten Windsurfer Deutschlands nach Schönberg kommen und im Rahmen der „Baltic Beach Days“ um die letzten Punkte für die diesjährige Rangliste kämpfen.

Der Deutsche Windsurf Cup ist die höchste Regattaserie im Windsurfen in Deutschland. In den Disziplinen Racing, Slalom, Waveriding und Freestyle wird bei sieben Events an den Küsten der Nord- und Ostsee um den deutschen Meistertitel gekämpft. In Schönberg sind die Disziplinen Racing, Slalom und Wave angesetzt.

Die Favoriten am Schönberger Strand sind neben dem aktuellen Deutschen Meister Vincent Langer (GER-1) aus Kiel natürlich der Deutsche Vizemeister Nicolas Prien (GER-7) aus Schönberg, der dem momentan in der Jahreswertung Führenden Langer mit Rang zwei dicht auf den Fersen ist. An seinem Homespot möchte Lokalmatador Prien seinen Heimvorteil ausspielen und hofft nach seinem großen Erfolg bei der Windsurf DM auf Sylt natürlich auf den Sieg. Anwärter auf einen Platz auf dem Podium sind auch Dennis Müller (GER-89) von der Insel Norderney, der momentan auf Rang drei in der Jahres-Gesamtwertung steht, sowie Leon Delle (GER-6) aus Soest und Jan-Moritz Bochnia (GER-9) aus Greven, die auf den Plätzen vier und fünf folgen.

Im Rahmen der „Baltic Beach Days“ wird neben den Wettkämpfen ein abwechslungsreiches Rahmen- und Partyprogramm für alle Altersklassen geboten. „Es freut uns den Deutschen Windsurf Cup innerhalb unserer Veranstaltung präsentieren zu können. Bereits im letzten Jahr hat sich gezeigt, dass der DWC eine sehr gute Ergänzung zu den Baltic Beach Days und ein Highlight im Programm darstellt“ berichtet der lokale Organisator Felix Franke.

Highlights des Rahmenprogramms bei den „Baltic Beach Days“ sind neben der „Hudora Pumptrack Challenge“ auch der "Flens Beach Soccer Cup" am Strand von Schönberg. Bei der „Hudora Pumptrack Challenge“ kann jeder mitmachen, der in den Disziplinen BMX, Longboard und Scooter die Runden auf dem Pumptrack zurücklegen möchte. Es gilt den 70m langen Parcour durch pumpende Bewegungen zu überqueren. Beim "Flens Beach Soccer Cup" treten verschiedene Mannschaften gegen einander an und stellen ihr Fußballtalent unter Beweis. 

Neben den sportlichen Aktivitäten bieten die "Baltic Beach Days" ein sensationelles Bandfestival. Gleich am Donnerstag (11.08.16) wird das Abendprogramm mit der Liveband „Boerney & den Tri Tops“ eröffnet. Weitere Liveachts sind „Augenblick“ (Freitag, 12.08.16), „Push it Up“ (13.08.16) und zum Abschluss „Die JunX“ am Sonntag (14.08.16). Hier ist für jeden Musikgeschmack etwas dabei. Den krönenden Abschluss bildet das große Feuerwerk.

Weitere Informationen zu den „Baltic Beach Days“ gibt es unter

Tenerife PWA Final Day

06 08.2016
Fernandez and Iballa Moreno take crowns in thrilling Super Session Finales
Only the winners’ finals remained on the fifth day of the Tenerife PWA World Cup and both the men’s and women’s fleets went the distance with Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) and Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC) defeating Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) and Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC), respectively, to set up a mouthwatering Super Final show down. Women’s  Double Elimination Daida Moreno forced a Super Final after the Final went all the way, but eventually it was Daida who managed to come out on top by less than 0.5 a point. Daida was looking for her 4th victory here in a row, while Iballa was on the hunt for her first event title in Tenerife since 2012. Super Final Into the Super Final and it was Iballa who made a flying start to the decider as the reigning world champion quickly landed a clean pushloop and a big, perfectly executed backloop. However, after such a positive start to the heat, Iballa, then struggled to show the same flow in the waves as she had done earlier in the week, which opened the door for Daida to strike back, which she duly did with an excellent backloop and two solid waves. For a long time it looked as though Daida would stage an immaculate recovery, but towards the end of the Super Final, Iballa, found her form. Earlier in the heat, Iballa, had always showed excellent wave selection, but could not execute the waveriding that she is capable of as she looked overpowered. However, in the final few minutes Iballa was able to show off her true wave riding capabilities as she landed several fluid vert hits to turn the tie on its head. Daida, responded with a fully planing table top forward, but it wasn’t enough as Iballa claimed victory in Tenerife.  At this stage of the season, Daida, holds a narrow title race lead and it promises to be another intriguing battle between the Moreno twins for this year’s title.  Men’s Double Elimination Victor Fernandez and Marcilio Browne went all out in the winners’ final and they were inseparable for much of the heat as they went move for move and wave for wave. However, it was Fernandez, who managed to also force the men’s division into a decider as he claimed victory by under a point in Heat 35. Super Final Having over rotated and under rotated a double forward in the heat prior, Fernandez, made no mistake at the start of this heat as he landed a massive, clean double forward to earn 9.65 points to immediately place the pressure on Browne. The 2013 world champion landed a superb double forward of his own before edging ahead after landing a goiter. However, Fernandez, was waiting on the wave behind and unleashed a better goiter of his own before finding a ramp down by the bunker to launch into a huge one-footed backloop. At this point, Browne, knew he was under pressure and he searched desperately for a pushloop forward ramp, but never found it. Browne landed a tweaked pushloop, but with Fernandez on fire in the air and on the wave — as the Spaniard had been all week — the Brazilian was powerless to stop Fernandez from claiming back-to-back victories in Tenerife, while Fernandez also maintains his perfect start to the season after also securing victory in Pozo. Browne though can still be delighted at the end of his weeks work and he will leave Tenerife with his best result so far. After the completion of the main draw the Youth’s Finals were completed, which saw Liam Dunkerbeck (Starboard / Severne) come back to claim victory in the 12 year olds division, while Marino Gil (Goya Windsurfing) claimed a narrow victory in the 12-15 year olds fleet over Valentino Pasquale (Fanatic / North / MFC). Meanwhile, Loick Lesauvage (Goya Windsurfing) was able to back up his earlier victory here with another victory today to defeat Noah Vocker Roche (Fanatic / NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins) in the 16-18 year old category. With the main event and youth’s complete the final thing on the agenda today was deciding who would take the top 10 places in the Dunkerbeck Speed Challenge Siam Park Pool Super Session - with a separate super session. The action went off with one-footed pushloops, shiftys and huge one-hand, one-foot backloops being landed and the top 10 sailors will now meet in Sunday’s Grand Finale. The results of which can be found below: Tomorrow will see a lay day in El Medano with the competition now complete and we’ll be back on Sunday evening to cover the Dunkerbeck Speed Challenge Siam Park Expression Session, which will be live streamed and covered via Twitter. Result Women's Double Elimination Tenerife PWA World Cup: 1st Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 2nd Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)  3rd Steffi Wahl (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg)  4th Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) 5th Amanda Beenen (99NoveNove / Point-7) Result Men's Double Elimination Tenerife PWA World Cup: 1st Victor Fernández (Fanatic / NorthSails / MFC)  2nd Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC) 3rd Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)  4th Alex Mussolini (RRD / RRD)  5th Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails)   6th Robby Swift (JP / NeilPryde / Mystic / SWOX) 7th Dany Bruch (Starboard / Flight Sails / AL360 / Shamal Sunglasses 7th Jaeger Stone (Starboard / Severne / SWOX / Shamal Sunglasses) 9th Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) 9th Adam Lewis (Fanatic / NorthSails / SWOX) 9th Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne) 9th Aleix Sanllehy (Tabou / GA Sails) To see all the latest from the event — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result Women's Double Elimination Tenerife PWA World Cup: 1st Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 2nd Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)  3rd Steffi Wahl (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg)  4th Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) 5th Amanda Beenen (99NoveNove / Point-7) Result Men's Double Elimination Tenerife PWA World Cup: 1st Victor Fernández (Fanatic / NorthSails / MFC)  2nd Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC) 3rd Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)  4th Alex Mussolini (RRD / RRD)  5th Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails)   6th Robby Swift (JP / NeilPryde / Mystic / SWOX) 7th Dany Bruch (Starboard / Flight Sails / AL360 / Shamal Sunglasses 7th Jaeger Stone (Starboard / Severne / SWOX / Shamal Sunglasses) 9th Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) 9th Adam Lewis (Fanatic / NorthSails / SWOX) 9th Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne) 9th Aleix Sanllehy (Tabou / GA Sails) Super Session Top 10 Antoine Martin (JP / NeilPryde / MFC) Pablo Ramirez (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne) Leon Jamaer (JP / NeilPryde) Mike Friedl (Goya Windsurfing) Alessio Stillrich (Fanatic / NorthSails) Adam Lewis (Fanatic / NorthSails / SWOX) Noah Vocker Roche (Fanatic / NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins) Marc Pare (99NoveNove / Simmer / Maui Ultra Fins) Morgan Noireaux (JP / Hot Sails Maui)

Tenerife PWA Day 4

05 08.2016
All set for Finals Day after an epic day of competition
Day 4 turned out to be the best day yet of the 2016 Tenerife PWA World Cup, despite some people thinking today may not be windy. At times the breeze reached Pozo levels of windy, while waves up to logo high consistently rolled into El Cabezo to make for an amazing competition arena. However, with the South swell properly hitting today wave selection was just as important, if not more important than yesterday. The action on the water went to another scale throughout the double eliminations and Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) produced the perfect comeback to break back into the top 2, while Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) sailed to his absolute, brilliant best, to fight back to 3rd — before fatigue struck to force his withdrawal from the double. Women’s Double Elimination Amanda Beenen (99NoveNove / Point-7) ended Alice Arutkin’s (Fanatic / NorthSails) comeback through the double before striking in the dying minutes of the heat to defeat Lina Erpenstein (Patrik / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) — who had impressed throughout the day with her wave riding and no fear approach. Beenen then met an on song Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins), who stopped her in her tracks with a combination of perfect pushloops, stalled forwards and powerful wave riding.  Having defended her 4th place finish from the single, Offringa, was left with the ominous task of facing Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins), who suffered a surprise exit to Steffi Wahl (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) in the single elimination. However, today Daida was back to her very best and left nothing to chance as she took down Offringa with an aerial masterclass. On her way to victory the multiple-time world champion executed some excellent wave riding, but it was her jumping display that really stole the show as she landed an absolutely monstrous stalled forward — which is possibly the highest jump ever landed in women’s fleet — to earn perfect 10s from the judges, which ended Offringa’s campaign here in Tenerife despite an excellent showing. Daida then faced Steffi Wahl and she managed to exact revenge for her single elimination defeat. Daida made a storming start to the heat, but Wahl gradually ate into her lead with her dynamic wave riding once again scoring well. However, she couldn’t quite overturn the total set by Daida, who produced the perfect comeback to setup another all Moreno twins final tomorrow — with Daida looking to win a 4th consecutive title here, while Iballa is looking to win here for the first time since 2012. Men’s  Double Elimination Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) was a man on an absolute mission today and unfortunately for teammates — Dieter Van der Eyken and Jaeger Stone (Starboard / Severne) —  they were the first men to be standing in his way as he began his demolition job with a combination of trademark ankle dry double forwards, pushloop forwards and anything from frontside 3s, to huge hacks and one-handed goiters on the wave as the reigning world champion appeared to be able to do whatever he wanted at will.  Köster’s scintillating form, which was an absolute joy to watch, would then see him dispatch of Robby Swift (JP / NeilPryde / Mystic / SWOX) — who produced the 2nd highest scoring heat of the day and his highest total ever in a heat with a huge pushloop forward being one of the moves of the day — Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails) and Alex Mussolini (RRD / RRD) to deservedly march into the top 3. At this point the 22 year old was on an unbelievable run with momentum and adrenaline well and truly running in his favour and he faced Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC / Shamal Sunglasses) in what would prove to be the final heat of the day. Köster, made a flying start to the heat as he landed another brilliant double forward, but unfortunately sailing all day had taken its toll by this point as he was forced to pull up injured. Their was major concern with the 3-time world champion stranded on the inside and looking in a considerable amount of pain, but thankfully it turned out to be ‘just’ cramp rather than something more serious. However, there was no way he could continue, so it will be Fernandez who faces Marcilio ‘Brawzinho’ Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC) in tomorrow’s final and you can take nothing away from the Spaniard, who appeared to be in superb form again. Close Calls In the heat prior to racking up his highest score ever — 34 points — Robby Swift was involved in the closest heat of the day against Dany Bruch (Starboard / Flight Sails / AL360 / Shamal Sunglasses), which saw just 0.07 of a point separate the two of them come the end of the heat. The Brit had a fantastic heat in the waves as he landed super fluid takas and frontside airs, while Bruch produced possibly the best jumping display of his life with a huge double forward and a massive one-footed backloop. However, for a change Bruch couldn’t connect with his waves, which saw him agonisingly miss out.  Move of the Day Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) landed the move of the day as he landed an absolutely incredible pushloop forward to earn 11 points. However, Campello, then couldn’t land either the wave score he needed or find a second jump and eventually lost out to Dany Bruch, despite his moment of magic.  After an absolutely epic day of competition tomorrow is all set for Finals Day with a solid looking forecast, which holds the potential for even more wind and bigger waves. Make sure you stay tuned in to from 10:30am (GMT+1) onwards to see whether Iballa or Daida Moreno come out on top in the women’s and to see whether Marcilio Browne can win in Tenerife for the first time by holding off Victor Fernandez. The first possible start for tomorrow is 11am (GMT+1) To see all the latest from the event — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Tenerife PWA Day 3

03 08.2016
A challenging day of competition where wave selection proved crucial
The wind and waves continued on Day 3 of the Tenerife PWA World Cup allowing the double eliminations to continue. Conditions today proved to be more tricky with wave selection proving to be critical with some waves just closing out, while others would open up with bowly sections to produce excellent scoring opportunities.  Women’s  Double Elimination Alice Arutkin (Fanatic / NorthSails) began her comeback through the double elimination by overcoming Birgit Rieger in the first round, before also ending the hopes of Arrianne Aukes (Fanatic / NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins), who suffered a broken mast. Next up for, Arutkin, would be Caterina Stenta (RRD / RRD / Maui Ultra Fins) and the Italian got the better of Arutkin in the air. However, the French beauty showed better wave selection and execution to win her third heat on the spin and she will now face Amanda Beenen (99NoveNove / Point-7) in Heat 30a. The final heat of the day saw Nicole Bandini (Fanatic / NorthSails) versus Justyna Sniady (Simmer / Simmer / Mystic) after the 17 year old successfully navigated her way through the opening two rounds by defeating Alexa Escherich (JP / NeilPryde) and Serena Zoia (Loft Sails). Sniady landed a stylish forward loop, but couldn’t hunt out the waves she needed, while Bandini earned her best wave score on her opening wave as she picked out a set and delivered a sick turn in the pocket — with Sniady unable to find a response the young Italian advanced as she also won 3 heats in a row today. Men’s Double Elimination The first heat of the day — Heat 19 — saw two upsets as Julian Salmonn (Severne / Severne) used his local knowledge to take down Florian Jung (RRD / Gun Sails / Maui Ultra Fins), while Loick Lesauvage (Goya Windsurfing) produced a complete display to defeat Graham Ezzy (Tabou / Ezzy). However, neither sail could escape from the next round as Dany Bruch (Starboard / Flight Sails / AL360 / Shamal Sunglasses) ended the hopes of Salmonn, while Lesauvage had chances to beat Leon Jamaer (JP / NeilPryde), but couldn’t find the second wave he needed as the German escaped unscathed.  After a disappointing showing in the single elimination — Antoine Martin (JP / NeilPryde / MFC) — bounced back to somewhere near his best as advanced past Tim van dam Sanchidrian (Starboard / Flight Sails) by landing a sick frontside tweaked aerial and frontside 3, but that’s as good as it would get for Martin with Jules Denel (JP / NeilPryde) coming out on top in Heat 24a.  Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne) is making a habit of becoming the comeback King in the double elimination. The Belgian won 6 heats on the bounce at the recent freestyle contest in Fuerteventura and gained momentum again today to win 3 successive heats. Van der Eyken first defeated Morgan Noireaux (JP / Hot Sails Maui) in a close run contest before going on to defeat Moritz Mauch (Severne / Severne / MFC) and Jules Denel (JP / NeilPryde) as he consistently landed stylish backloops, while unleashing gouging turns and frontside 3s. Against, Denel, Van der Eyken pulled it out of the bag in the dying moments as he produced the best wave of the heat with his final scoring opportunity to turn the result on its head as he once again busted on a frontside 360. The reigning freestyle world champion has now guaranteed himself first top 10 finish in the waves and will meet teammate — Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) — in Heat 29a next. Elsewhere, Adam Lewis (Fanatic / NorthSails / SWOX), looked to be in good form as he dispatched of Ben Proffitt (Simmer / Simmer) and Josep Pons (Simmer / Simmer) to set up a duel against Robby Swift (JP / NeilPryde / Mystic / SWOX), while Dany Bruch clinched victory against fellow countryman Leon Jamaer and the event organiser will now face Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC).  In Heat 27b, Aleix Sanllehy (Tabou / GA Sails), struck late to steal victory from the claws of Omar Sanchez (Angulo / KA Sails) with a super tweaked pushloop swinging the tie in his favour. Waiting for the 27 year old in the next round will be Jaeger Stone (Starboard / Severne / SWOX / Shamal Sunglasses). The forecast for tomorrow looks similar today so the decision has been made to keep the skippers’ meeting at 10:30am — with the action commencing from 11am (GMT+1) if conditions allow. Make sure you tune into to follow all of the brilliant action as it happens via the PWA live stream.  To see all the latest from the event — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Tenerife PWA Day 2

03 08.2016
Close calls and upsets as Brawzinho and Iballa Moreno return to the top
The second day of the Tenerife PWA World Cup saw an incredible day of competition as the level of sailing continued to go through the roof — resulting in nail biting heats and a few upsets along the way. With lighter winds than yesterday the sailors were given an additional 2 minutes — 16 minute heats — to show what they are capable of and they certainly didn’t disappoint with impressive jumping and radical wave riding from the word go. Both the men’s and women’s single eliminations have now been completed and it is Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC) and Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins), who sit proudly at the top of the current rankings come the close of the play. Women’s Single Elimination Steffi Wahl (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) delivered a wave riding masterclass against Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) to cause the biggest upset of the day, and one of the biggest upset in recent years in the wave sailing world, who had been in imperious form on the previous day, to deservedly earn her place in the top two for the first time. The current world tour leader once again shone in the air, but failed to connect with her waves, while Wahl excelled by taking every opportunity she was presented with to deliver fluid, super vert hits to setup a tie against Iballa Moreno — after the reigning world champion had exacted revenge against Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) in the opening semifinal.  Winners’ Final Iballa Moreno made a flying start to the winners’ final as she quickly landed a regular forward, followed by a tabletop forward to take an early lead. Iballa remained busy through out the heat working each wave fluidly from top to bottom to really transfer the pressure upon Wahl, who didn’t really get involved in the final until the second half of the heat, but she did eventually announce herself with a backloop. However, she couldn’t quite conjure up the magic she showed in the semifinals and Iballa deservedly secured a clear cut victor in the single elimination as she demonstrated why she has been crowned the world champion for the past two years with her dynamic wave riding really standing out.  Daida Moreno will no doubt have been extremely disappointed to lose in the semifinals, but she quickly put that behind her to claim victory in an extremely close battle for 3rd and 4th between herself and Sarah-Quita Offringa, which saw the lead swinging back-and-forth throughout. However,  an amazing tabletop forward proved to be the difference as Daida claimed the final place on the podium, although Offringa will be happy to have edged ahead in the wave department. Offringa also suffered one of the wipeouts of the day as she went into an accidental double pushloop.  Men’s Single Elimination  Marcilio Browne took down reigning world champion — Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) — with a proficient and tactical display in the opening quarterfinal. Browne almost matched Köster’s trademark double forward and the Brazilian then gained the lead by excelling in the waves with vert, crisp turns proving too much for Köster to overturn.  Brawzinho then faced Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails), who had earlier narrowly defeated Jaeger Stone (Starboard / Severne), and the two former world champions produced an epic battle as they exchanged wave 360s and stylish turns. TT produced the better the wave scores, but crucially Browne dug deep to pull the trigger on a third double forward, which turned out to be his best — earning 9.12 points — which gave him a one point victory to qualify for the final.  Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / NorthSails / MFC) had been in imperious form over the opening two days and the Spaniard deservedly earned his place in the winners’ final by defeating Aleix Sanllehy (Tabou / GA Sails), Robby Swift (JP / NeilPryde / Mystic / SWOX) and Alex Mussolini (RRD / RRD) today. Winners’ Final The final proved to be one of the spectacles of the day as Browne and Fernandez went all out for the win — leaving nothing to chance — and both sailors came flying out of the starting blocks quickly landing double forwards — Fernandez’s being higher and Browne’s being faster. With a solid jump on the board each they then proceeded to trade blows wave-for-wave in another heat where the lead repeatedly changed hands and they proved almost inseparable on the wave. However, a few minutes before the end of the final, Browne, hunted out on a ramp down by the bunker before stomping a superb stalled double forward, which proved to be the difference between the two of them as the 2013 world champion clinched victory by under a point — such were the fine margins between them. Local legend — Alex Mussolini — defeated good friend Thomas Traversa in the battle for 3rd and 4th with Mussolini gaining the upper hand in the waves by landing trademark frontside 3s and critical takas. Double Elimination The opening heat of the men’s double elimination has also been completed and Josep Pons (Simmer / Simmer) was able to dispatch of Eric Sanllehy (Goya Windsurfing), while Ben Proffitt (Simmer / Simmer) earned a hard fought win against Camille Juban (Quatro / MFC / MFC) to book a battle against fellow Englishman Adam Lewis (Fanatic / NorthSails / SWOX) in the next round.  The forecast for tomorrow looks a little lighter than today and also sees the start of a long period south swell, so we will have to wait and see what happens. The skippers’ meeting has been called for 10:30am with the action commencing from 11am (GMT+1) if conditions allow. Make sure you tune into to follow all of the brilliant action as it happens via the PWA live stream.  To see all the latest from the event — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result Women's Single Elimination Tenerife PWA World Cup: 1st Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 2nd Steffi Wahl (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) 3rd Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 4th Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) 5th Lina Erpenstein (Patrik / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 5th Justyna Sniady (Simmer / Simmer / Mystic) 5th Amanda Beenen (99NoveNove / Point-7) 5th Caterina Stenta (RRD / RRD / Maui Ultra Fins) Result Men's Single Elimination Tenerife PWA World Cup: 1st Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC) 2nd Victor Fernández (Fanatic / NorthSails / MFC) 3rd Alex Mussolini (RRD / RRD) 4th Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails) 5th Jaeger Stone (Starboard / Severne / SWOX / Shamal Sunglasses) 5th Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 5th Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) 5th Robby Swift (JP / NeilPryde / Mystic / SWOX) 9th Klaas Voget (Fanatic / NorthSails / MFC) 9th Omar Sanchez (Angulo / KA Sail) 9th Moritz Mauch (Severne / Severne / MFC) 9th Adam Lewis (Fanatic / NorthSails / SWOX) 9th Leon Jamaer (JP / NeilPryde) 9th Jules Denel (JP / NeilPryde) 9th Dany Bruch (Starboard / Flight Sails / Shamal Sunglasses)

Tenerife PWA Day 1

03 08.2016
Tenerife begins with a bang
No time was wasted in beginning this year’s contest in Tenerife with good conditions on offer from the word go. So after a quick registration the action began promptly at 1pm in chest-head high wave and enough wind for most of the sailors to be on 4.2m-4.7m sails. By the end of the first day the opening round of the men’s single elimination has been completed, while only the top 8 women are left standing. Up to this point the top seeds have survived unscathed, but there were a few close calls on an exciting first day of competition.  Women’s  Sarah Hilder (Simmer / Simmer) and María Andrés (Fanatic / NorthSails) successfully navigated their way through the opening heat of the single elimination with Hilder defeating 14 year old Alex Escherich (JP / NeilPryde), who was making her debut on the PWA Wave World Tour, while Andrés’ wave riding proved to be the difference between her and Birgit Rieger.  The opening heat of the second round saw Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) in action for the first time and she continued in the same rich vein of form which she showed in Pozo, Gran Canaria. The heat was close for a long time, but Offringa asserted her dominance in the latter stages against Arrianne Aukes (Fanatic / NorthSails) by landing a pushloop and an 8.5 point wave to ensure victory. Meanwhile, The b-side of the heat saw the emerging talent of Lina Erpenstein (Patrik / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) claim the scalp of Alice Arutkin (Fanatic / NorthSails). Heat 10 featured Justyna Sniady (Simmer / Simmer / Mystic) versus Caroline Weber (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg / Maui Ultra Fins) and it was Sniady who claimed a clear cut victory, while reigning world champion — Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) — produced a dominant performance against Sarah Hilder as Iballa showed the reason she hasn’t finished outside the top 2 since the event started in 2011.  Heat 11 saw the top seeds of the heat — Steffi Wahl (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) and Amanda Beenen (99NoveNove / Point-7) — safely progress as they dispatched of Nicole Bandini (Fanatic / NorthSails) and Serena Zoia (Loft Sails), respectively. Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) produced the standout performance of the day to rack up the highest score of the event so far — 26.13 points — as she continued her impressive start to the season. Daida landed a one-handed backloop all the way to earn 9 points — before destroying the waves with powerful frontside hacks, takas and airs. While Caterina Stenta (RRD / RRD / Maui Ultra Fins) claimed a narrow victory over fellow Italian Greta Benvenuti (Patrik / Point-7 / AL360) Men’s  After a disappointing 17th place in Pozo — Klaas Voget (Fanatic / NorthSails / MFC) — came out firing on all cylinders in the opening men’s heat. The German took a super aggressive approach to his wave riding which paid dividends as he defeated John Skye (RRD / RRD / MFC) — and he looks a real threat going into the next round. Meanwhile, Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails) was pushed all the way by Marc Paré (99NoveNove / Simmer / Maui Ultra Fins) and TT needed a brilliant last minute wave to avoid an upset. In Heat 2 Adam Lewis (Fanatic / NorthSails / SWOX) won the battle against teammate Alessio Stillrich (Fanatic / NorthSails) with a fine performance including a sick frontside 360, while generally being on top in the wave riding department. It could have possibly been a different story if Stillrich had managed to hang onto a bolt upright double forward in the opening minute, but he will now have to wait until the double. The other side of the heat saw Jaeger Stone (Starboard / Severne / SWOX / Shamal Sunglasses) in impressive form once more with his frontside riding especially catching the eye and the 25 year old is safely into the second round.  Event organiser — Dany Bruch (Starboard / Flight Sails / AL360 / Shamal Sunglasses) — and Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC) are also safely into round two after victories over Morgan Noireaux (JP / Hot Sails Maui) and Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne), respectively.  Leon Jamaer (JP / NeilPryde) looked to be in decent form, particularly with his wave riding and he eased past a slightly below par Antoine Martin (JP / NeilPryde / MFC), while reigning world champion — Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / MFC) — produced the highest score of the day — 25.5 points — to dispatch of the local wildcard Tim van dam Sanchidrian (Starboard / Flight Sails. The 3-time world champion stomped a trademark double before combining powerful, gouging hacks with critical takas to set the bar very high.  Jules Denel (JP / NeilPryde) ended the hopes of Graham Ezzy (Tabou / Ezzy) in the single elimination while local hero — Alex Mussolini (RRD / RRD) — made no mistakes against the highly progressive youth talent of Loick Lesauvage (Goya Windsurfing) to also progress from Heat 5. Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) wasted little time in announcing his return on the world tour, after missing out on the opening event of the year due to injury, as he immediately stomped a 9 point double forward, but it took him until the end of the heat to assert himself against Julian Salmonn (Severne / Severne) after struggling to connect the wave scores he needed early on. Meanwhile, Moritz Mauch (Severne / Severne / MFC) took down Florian Jung (RRD / Gun Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) on the b-side of Heat 6. In the penultimate heat of the day — Heat 7 — Omar Sanchez (Angulo / KA Sail) edged a narrow duel against Camille Juban (Quatro / Simmer / MFC) to progress, while Robby Swift (JP / NeilPryde / Mystic / SWOX) won the battle of Britain against Ben Proffitt (Simmer / Simmer) with Swift’s double forward proving to be the difference between the two sailors on the day.  In Heat 8 Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / NorthSails / MFC) looked mightily impressive against Eric Sanllehy (Goya Windsurfing) as the current world tour leader landed the highest scoring jump of the day — 9.62 points for an immaculate double forward, while also effortlessly linking together several excellent waves with dynamic turns and frontside airs — proving that he’ll be a difficult man to beat. Josep Pons (Simmer / Simmer) gained the upper hand in the aerial battle against Aleix Sanllehy (Tabou / GA Sails) as he earned 8.5 points for a double forward, but it wasn’t enough as Sanllehy claimed a hard fought win by making the better of the waves. The forecast looks promising again for tomorrow with further wind and waves on offer and both fleets will meet at 11am on Tuesday morning for the skippers’ meeting. The first possible start for tomorrow is 11:30am (GMT+1). Make sure you tune into to follow all of the brilliant action as it happens via the PWA live stream.  To see all the latest from the event — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.

PWA Fuerteventura Day 10

31 07.2016
10 Tage perfekte Windsurfbedingungen - Fuerteventura wird seinem Ruf erneut absolut gerecht.
Fuerteventura lieferte an 8 von 10 Tagen starken Wind - oft über 40 Knoten – und ermöglicht so eine fantastische Freestyle- und Slalom-Show für den Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam 2016. Am Ende des Wettbewerbs sichert sich Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) ihren 9. Freestyle-WM-Titel, während Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severn) zum ersten Mal überhaupt einen Event gewinnt. Weltmeister Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde), dominierte den Slalom und erzielte seinen ersten Eventsieg in diesem Jahr. Freestyle Women’s Sarah-Quita Offringa once again proved unbeatable as she extended her unbeaten run to an incredible 9 years to deservedly collect her 9th world freestyle world title — 11th overall with a further 2 world crowns in slalom. Offringa combined the latest power moves together with some of the older sliding moves to see off Maaike Huvermann (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) and Oda Johanne (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) Maaike Huvermann grew in confidence throughout the event and she ends 2016 as the vice-world champion, which is her best result so far. Huvermann was able to show her true talent after a disappointing single elimination and by the end of the week she was even beginning to give Offringa a run for her money — consistently landing regular konos and shakas. Oda Johanne (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) sailed well once again and the Norwegian secured her place on the podium for the 3rd consecutive year. Johanne earned 2nd place in the opening single elimination, but slips back one place to 3rd with Huvermann gaining the upper-hand in their next two battles.  Meanwhile, Arrianne Aukes (Fanatic / NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins) rises to 4th in the overall rankings this year, while Maxime van Gent (JP / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) and Olya Raskina (JP / NeilPryde) complete the top 6. Alexa Escherich (JP / NeilPryde) made her debut this week and she walks away as the 2016 PWA Youth World Champion Men’s Amado Vrieswijk built on his opening performance of the year in Austria, where he finished 2nd, to go one better in Fuerteventura as the Bonairean came back through the double elimination to beat Yentel Caers (JP / NeilPryde) and claim a maiden event victory. Success here takes Vrieswijk to the top of the overall rankings with one freestyle event to go — Sylt between 30th September until the 9th October. Jose ‘Gollito’ Estredo (Fanatic / NorthSails / MFC) had to settle for 3rd place here, which sees the 6-time freestyle world champion fall one place to 2nd in the overall rankings. Uncharacteristically, Gollito, crashed a couple of moves against Vrieswijk in Heat 50, and his last minute shifty did not count due to having completed his scoresheet, which led to a slender 1.8 point defeat. However, Gollito, is still firmly in the hunt for a 7th world crown and once again oozed style in each of his heats. Yentel Caers (JP / NeilPryde) properly announced himself on the world stage this week by storming to victory in the single elimination. The young Belgian produced a powerful display to defeat Vrieswijk, but couldn’t quite hold off his challenge in the double. Caers will still walk way from this week delighted with his performance after finishing on the podium for the first time and he currently completes the overall podium.  Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne) was a man on a mission in the double elimination as the Belgian recaptured the form which saw him crowned world champion last year. Van der Eyken won 7 heats on the bounce by defeating — Francesco Cappuzzo (RRD / RRD / Flymount / AL360), Balz Müller (Patrik / Severne), Kiri Thode (Starboard / GA Sails), Nico Akgazciyan (99NoveNove / Challenger Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) and Phil Soltysiak (Starboard / Sailworks) to rise from 9th to 4th and is now 5th overall in the world.  Phil Soltysiak was delighted to sail his way into the top 4 in the single elimination and the Canadian leaves Fuerteventura with a superb 5th place. Elsewhere, Nicolas Akgazciyan (99NoveNove / Challenger Sails / Maui Ultra Fins), recovered from a disappointing performance in Austria with a 6th place finish here as the Frenchman sailed to the level which earned him 4th overall in 2015.  Meanwhile, Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) remains 4th in the overall rankings after a joint 7th place alongside fellow Bonairean Kiri Thode (Starboard / GA Sails). Slalom Men’s The opening two events of year had proven tricky for Antoine Albeau, but the reigning world champion was back to his very best over the last 5 days to dominate proceedings. AA claimed 4 bullets and qualified for all but two winners’ finals as he claimed his opening event victory of the year, which sees him rise to 5th in the overall rankings. Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses) continued his great start to the season as he too qualified for every winners’ final bar two. The Brit finished 3rd here last year and was able to go one better this time around as he claimed 2nd place. Williams showed brilliant pace and gybing throughout and he remains in 3rd place overall — firmly in contention for the world title. Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails) still holds control of the 2016 title race after completing the podium. The Frenchman failed to win an elimination this time, but showed the level of consistency required to challenge for the top and he remains the man everyone has to catch. Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Point-7) made a flying start to the week as he secured the opening bullet after an enthralling finish against Antoine Albeau. The Italian was able to clinch a further victory in Race 8 to secure 4th place here to maintain 2nd place overall. Julien Quentel produced a brilliant set of results to record his second top 5 finish of the year and is currently 7th in the world rankings, while Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails) and Ben van der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails) achieved their first top 10 finishes of the year with the latter winning the final elimination of the week.  The top 10 is completed by Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic), Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / Severne) and Pascal Toselli (99NoveNove / Challenger Sails), who hangs onto 10th place after having to withdraw from sailing on the last day due to a shoulder injury sustained on Day 9.  The last 5 days of racing produced some of the most exciting slalom in year’s with the sailors skills and tactical awareness being tested with a variety of courses, while there were thrilling finales and brutal crashes to make it a show you couldn’t take your eyes off. Thanks to René Egli for once again organising a fantastic event, which will be remembered for a long time, and to everyone who was involved with the event. The PWA looks forward to returning again. To see all the latest from the event — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Where’s Next on the PWA World Tour? The second stage of the PWA Wave World Tour starts tomorrow with the Tenerife PWA World Cup running between the 1st-7th August. Make sure you tune into to follow all of the amazing action as it happens via the PWA live stream. Overall Ranking 2016 PWA Women’s Freestyle World Tour:  1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) 2nd Maaike Huvermann (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 3rd Oda Johanne (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 4th Arrianne Aukes (Fanatic / NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins) 5th Maxime van Gent (JP / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)   Overall Ranking 2016 Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam - Men’s Freestyle 1st Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne) 2nd Yentel Caers (JP / NeilPryde) 3rd Gollito Estredo (Fanatic / NorthSails / MFC) 4th Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne) 5th Phil Soltysiak (Starboard / Sailworks) 6th Nico Akgazciyan (99NoveNove / Challenger Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) 7th Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins) 7th Kiri Thode (Starboard / GA Sails) 9th Jacopo Testa (RRD / RRD / AL360) 9th Tonky Frans (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg / AL360) 9th Steven Van Broeckhoven (JP / NeilPryde / Shamal Sunglasses) 9th Balz Müller (Patrik / Severne) Current Ranking 2016 PWA Freestyle World Tour: Men’s  1st Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne) 2nd Gollito Estredo (Fanatic / NorthSails / MFC) 3rd Yentel Caers (JP / NeilPryde) 4th Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins) 5th Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne) 6th Kiri Thode (Starboard / GA Sails) 7th Phil Soltysiak (Starboard / Sailworks) 8th Balz Müller (Patrik / Severne) 9th Steven Van Broeckhoven (JP / NeilPryde / Shamal Sunglasses) 10th Adrien Bosson (Fanatic / NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins)   Overall Ranking 2016 Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam: Men’s Slalom 1st Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) 2nd Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses) 3rd Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails) 4th Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Point-7) 5th Julien Quentel (Patrik / Avanti)   6th Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails) 7th Ben van der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails)  8th Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) 9th Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / Severne)  10th Pascal Toselli (99NoveNove / Challenger Sails)   Current Ranking 2016 PWA Slalom World Tour: Men’s 

1st Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails)
2nd Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Point-7) 3rd Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses) 4th Pascal Toselli (99NoveNove / Challenger Sails) 5th Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) 6th Arnon Dagan (RRD / NeilPryde) 7th Julien Quentel (Patrik / Avanti) 8th Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / Severne) 9th Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) 10th Steve Allen (Patrik / Severne)

Surf Cup Sylt Tag 5

31 07.2016
Vincent Langer gelingt die Titelverteidigung!
Am Sonntag gingen auf Sylt nach fünf Tagen die Internationalen Deutschen Meisterschaften im Windsurfen zu Ende. Vor einer Rekordkulisse von insgesamt 125.000 Besuchern konnte Vincent Langer (GER-1) triumphieren und so seinen Titel verteidigen. Langer siegte in den beiden Einzeldisziplinen Racing und Slalom und wurde so auch dominierender Overallsieger. „Nachdem die DM extrem schlecht für mich begonnen hat, konnte ich am Samstag meiner Favoritenrolle gerecht werden.“ sagt der neue und alte Deutsche Meister Vincent Langer.

Zunächst sah es für den Titelverteidiger Vincent Langer gar nicht gut aus. Nach dem ersten Tag führte der Flensburger Gunnar Asmussen (GER-88) die Ergebnisliste an. Nach drei Tagen übernahm Nico Prien (GER-7) aus Schönberg die Führung. Erst am Samstag fand Langer seine gewohnte Form zurück und gewann die letzten vier Wettfahrten in Folge. So übernahm Langer die Führung und konnte die Disziplin Racing am Ende deutlich gewinnen. Abermals ist er damit Deutscher Racingmeister. Der zwischenzeitlich führende Nico Prien sichert sich mit einer konstant starken Leistung den Vizemeistertitel. Der Schweizer Richard Stauffacher (SUI-31) kann Platz drei erobern. Gunnar Asmussen fuhr sich nach zwei Ausrutschern wieder an die Spitze und belegt am Ende Platz vier. Der Ravensburger Fabian Mattes (GER-202) komplettiert die Top-5 in der Disziplin Racing.

Auch im Slalom war Langer als amtierender Slalom Weltmeister das Maß der Dinge. Er lieferte sich im Finale ein packendes Duell mit Gunnar Asmussen, dem Slalom Weltmeister von 2013. Beide Fahrer hatten einen perfekten Start und konnten sich schnell vom Rest des Feldes absetzen. Über fünf Schenkel flogen die beiden Kopf-an-Kopf mit Geschwindigkeiten von über 50 km/h über den Kurs. Am Ende hatte Langer die Nase vorn und sicherte sich so den Deutschen Meistertitel in der Disziplin Slalom. Gunnar Asmussen kann sich über den Slalom-Vizemeistertitel freuen. Nico Prien erobert Platz drei.

In der Overallwertung werden die Ergebnisse der beiden Einzeldisziplinen kombiniert. Durch seine Siege im Racing und im Slalom findet sich Vincent Langer auch in der Overallwertung an der Spitze des Gesamtklassements. Mit der Idealpunktzahl 2,0 macht er deutlich, dass an ihm aktuell kein Weg vorbeiführt.

Als stärkster Verfolger und Zukunftshoffnung für den deutschen Windsurfsport präsentierte sich der 21-jährige Nico Prien in starker Form. Mit einem zweiten Platz im Racing und einem dritten Platz im Slalom kommt Prien auf 5,0 Punkte. Damit ist er Deutscher Vizemeister 2016. Prien: „Ich freue mich total und bin sehr zufrieden. Vincent hat fair gewonnen und das Ergebnis spiegelt die Leistung wieder!“

Auf Platz drei folgt der Flensburger Gunnar Asmussen. Als Vizemeister im Slalom und vierter im Racing liegt er nur einen Punkt hinter Prien und komplettiert so das Podium der Deutschen Windsurfing Meisterschaft. „Im Slalom hätte ich natürlich gerne den Deutschen Meistertitel geholt, aber bei einer Slalom-Elimination war nicht mehr drin. Dennoch freue ich mich total, wieder auf dem Podium zu stehen.“ sagt Asmussen.

Mit 11,0 Punkten in der Overallwertung liegen der Schweizer Richard Staufacher und Dennis Müller (GER-89) punktgleich. Im Tiebreak kann der Schweizer Stauffacher aber knapp den Norderneyer Müller verdrängen und sich so Platz vier erobern.

Die Nachwuchsfahrer zeigten sich in brillanter Form. Bester deutscher Youth U-20 Fahrer ist Julien Pockrandt (GER-18) auf Platz 12. Nur einen Platz dahinter folgt Michele Becker (GER-277) auf Platz 13 vor dem Kieler Lars Paustian (GER-1999) auf Platz 17. Der beste deutsche Junior U-17 ist sein Bruder Kai Paustian (GER-707) auf Platz 34. Bester Rookie (Neueinsteiger) ist Finn Kroll (GER-740).

Der Surf Cup Sylt  2016 presented by Flens war ein Megaevent. Mit über 125.000 Besuchern wurde ein neuer Rekord verzeichnet. Tausende verfolgten die Rennen der Windsurfer, feierten bei den Konzerten und schlenderten über die Cateringmeile. „Besser hätte es nicht laufen können“ strahlt Organisator Matthias Regber von der Choppy Water GmbH. „Wir hatten tollen Sport, herrliche Konzerte, ein tolles Rahmenprogramm und hochwertige Gastronomiestände. So war für jeden etwas dabei.“. Hier die direkten Links zu den Ergebnislisten
Ergebnisliste Overall
Ergebnisliste Slalom
Ergebnisliste Racing

PWA Fuerteventura Day 9

31 07.2016
3 von den Top 4 schon in den Viertelfinalläufen raus - Iachino schlägt wieder zu.
Der vorletzte Tag des Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam - organisiert und gesponsert von René Egli – startete nicht so, wie es aufgrund der ausgezeichneten Prognose sein sollte – starke Bewölkung störte die lokale Thermik. Die Bedingungen erwiesen sich als recht schwierig, sehr böig war es schon seit dem Vormittag. Am späten Nachmittag stabilisierte sich der Wind und schließlich war es möglich, eine weitere Elimination abzuschließen. Die Ergebnisse lieferten allerdings einige Überraschungen. Elimination 8 For the first time this week 3 out of the top 4 put a foot wrong today as firstly Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails), followed by Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) crashed out after jumping the gun in the quarterfinals.  This potentially opened the door for Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses) to reduce the margin between himself and Albeau at the top of the event rankings, but the Brit too fell at the quarterfinal stage after dropping his first gybe. Williams managed to fight back into 5th in Heat 12, but ran out of room before he could reel in Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg), who booked his place in the second winners’ final of the week.  This means that in the most likely event of one final elimination tomorrow that it will probably be a head-to-head battle between Albeau and Williams for the event title. AA holds a 6.9 point advantage over the Brit heading into the final day, so  the reigning world champion only requires a 6th place finish or better to ensure his opening event win of the season — assuming both sailors qualify for the winners’ final, which as today proved is no given.  Winners’ Final The wind picked up for the winners’ final and Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Point-7) made a great decision to change down to 6.2m, while Ben van der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails), Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / NorthSails) and Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails) were overpowered on 7m sails. The race for the opening buoy saw an intense battle, but after an excellent start it was Iachino who held a closely contested lead, however, the Italian was soon given a clear advantage as van der Steen and Mortefon collided, while taking down Vonk in the process. With clean winds, Iachino, soon extended his lead and it wasn’t long before he was celebrating his second bullet of the week, which sees the 26 year old rise to 4th in the current rankings. After avoiding the carnage at the first buoy, Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic), broke through to clinch second, which is the Bonairean’s best result of the week, followed by Julien Quentel (Patrik / Avanti), who has sailed consistently all week and Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / Severne), who completed the top 4.  Unfortunately, Pascal Toselli (99NoveNove / Challenger Sails), suffered a dislocated shoulder in the first semifinal and everyone at the PWA would like to wish the Frenchman a quick and successful recovery. Toselli had enjoyed an excellent week up until this point and looked set for a top 5 finish come the end of the event.  Elsewhere, Maciek Rutkowski (Tabou / GA Sails), bounced back to form after a disappointing opening few days as the Pole qualified for his opening winners’ final of the week — eventually finishing 5th. The forecast shows excellent wind for the final day and crucially, unlike today, it predicts clear skies which should hopefully provide a thrilling finale to what has been an amazing event. The skippers’ meeting has been called for 10:30am with the action commencing from 11am (GMT+1) — if conditions allow. Make sure you tune into to follow the racing live.  To see all the latest from the event — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking Men’s Slalom — Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam 1st Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) 2nd Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses) 3rd Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails) 4th Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Point-7) 5th Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails)  6th Julien Quentel (Patrik / Avanti) 7th Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / Severne) 8th Pascal Toselli (99NoveNove / Challenger Sails)  9th Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) 10th Ben van der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails) 

Surf Cup Sylt Tag 4

31 07.2016
Vincent Langer kämpft sich zurück an die Spitze!
Der Samstag könnte der Schlüsseltag für die Internationalen Deutschen Meisterschaften 2016 sein. Am Vormittag konnte das Ergebnis in der Disziplin Slalom gesichert werden. Am Nachmittag gab es vier weitere Rennen in der Disziplin Racing. Vincent Langer (GER-1), der Deutsche Meister von 2015 konnte sich die Führung erobern und rückt so einer erfolgreichen Titelverteidigung näher. „Heute war ein perfekter Tag für mich. Ich konnte im Slalom siegen und alle vier Racings des heutigen Tages gewinnen. Ich bin überglücklich, denn am Anfang hatte ich im Racing ein paar Probleme. Nun bin ich in der perfekten Ausgangssituation für den Finaltag“, strahlt Vincent Langer. Am Freitag konnte sich zunächst der Schönberger Nico Prien (GER-7) die Führung bei den Internationalen Deutschen Meisterschaften erobern. Doch der Samstag sollte die Karten komplett neu mischen. Die Vorhersagen versprachen nur für ein kurzes Zeitfenster am frühen Morgen ausreichende Bedingungen. Deshalb begannen die Slalomrennen bereits um 08:45. Die „Frühschicht“ zahlte sich für die Windsurfer aber aus. Bei fünf Windstärken herrschten perfekte Slalombedingungen und es konnte die Slalomelimination beendet werden. Im Slalomfinale trafen alle Favoriten aufeinander. Vincent Langer und Gunnar Asmussen (GER-88) hatten beide perfekte Starts und konnten sich so schnell vom Verfolgerfeld absetzen. Über fünf Slalomschenkel lieferten sich die beiden Kontrahenten ein packendes Duell. Am Ende konnte sich Vincent Langer knapp durchsetzen und so die Führung in der Disziplin Slalom sichern. Mit Platz zwei ist der Flensburger Gunnar Asmussen gut auf Kurs für den Vize-Meistertitel im Slalom. Der bis dahin in der Disziplin Racing führende Nico Prien aus Schönberg belegte im Slalom Platz drei und konnte so seinen härtesten Konkurrenten in der Rangliste, Dennis Müller (GER-89) von der Insel Norderney, hinter sich halten. Der Norweger Martin Möller-Hovda (NOR-41) komplettierte die Top-5. Wie erwartet ließ der Wind in der Folge nach, so dass auf die Disziplin Racing gewechselt wurde. Die Wechselphase wurde auch noch unfreiwillig etwas verlängert, weil ein Spülbagger mit seinen Küstenschutzmaßnahmen direkt in das Kursgebiet steuerte und auch in der Folge immer wieder kurze Wettkampfunterbrechungen erforderte. Vincent Langer ließ sich davon nicht irritieren und kehrte auch im Racing wieder zu seiner Topform zurück. Überlegen konnte er alle vier Wettfahrten gewinnen. Damit eroberte er auch in der Disziplin Racing die Führung und baute diese in der Folge weiter aus. Nico Prien zeigte sich im Racing weiterhin stark und ließ sich auch von einem gebrochenen Trapezhaken nicht irritieren. Mit 8,7 Punkten liegt er relativ sicher auf Platz zwei. So hat er vor dem Finaltag die besten Karten, um deutscher Vizemeister im Racing zu werden. Der Schweizer Richard Staufacher (SUI-31) hält Platz drei mit 13,0 Punkten. Gunnar Asmussen macht einen großen Sprung nach vorne und liegt aktuell mit 14,7 Punkten auf Platz vier im Racing. Fabian Mattes (GER-202) komplettiert die Top-5 in dieser Disziplin. In der Gesamtwertung werden beide Disziplinen zusammengezählt und somit auch der Deutsche Meister 2016 ermittelt. Mit ersten Plätzen in den beiden Einzeldisziplinen belegt aktuell Vincent Langer auch in der Gesamtwertung überlegen den ersten Platz. Somit rückt seine Titelverteidigung in greifbare Nähe. Auf Platz zwei liegt aktuell Nico Prien mit einem dritten Platz im Slalom und Platz zwei im Racing. Auf dem dritten Platz folgt Gunnar Asmussen. Der Schweizer Richard Staufacher und der Noderneyer Dennis Müller komplettieren die Top-5 vor dem Finaltag. Für den letzten Regattatag sind erneut sehr gute Bedingungen für die Disziplin Racing angesagt, so dass weitere spannende Wettfahrten zu erwarten sind. Die offizielle Siegerehrung für die Internationalen Deutschen Meisterschaften findet um 17:00 Uhr statt.