GC Gloria World Cup - Tag 3

Extrem starke Winde führen zu überraschenden Ergebnissen: Sarah-Quita Offringa und Marino Gil gewinnen in Pozo, während Philip Köster den Triple Loop versucht.

Die Vorhersage für Tag 3 des Gran Canaria Gloria Windsurf World Cups versprach windige Bedingungen, aber Pozo wurde mit Winden von weit über 40 Knoten vollends zum Schauplatz gewaltiger Winde, was zu einigen atemberaubenden Aktionen führte. Pozo ist ein ganz besonderer Ort, wenn er solche Bedingungen bietet, wie es heute der Fall war... es gibt nur wenige Orte auf der Welt, die blauen Himmel und so heftige Winde bieten können, wie es heute der Fall war. Diese heftigen Winde verursachten möglicherweise auch ein paar schockierende Ergebnisse...

Wave Women’s

Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) made the perfect start to her season as she claimed her first victory in Pozo Izquierdo. The Aruban had finished second here on several occasions in the past, but usually found a Daida Moreno (Bruch Boards/ Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) shaped barrier in the way. However, with the Moreno twins no longer competing, Offringa seized the opportunity perfectly. The 22-time world champion made a flying start to the final as she quickly landed a pushloop, a backloop and a forward loop to place Lina Erpenstein (Severne / Severne Sails) under immediate pressure. That flying start made the difference as although Erpenstein slowly edged away at Offringa’s lead the German couldn’t quite find enough to reel her in. In the end, Offringa claimed a slender 1.29 point victory.

For Erpenstein, this represents her best result to date in Pozo Izquierdo. The German had finished third here on two previous occasions (2023 and 2017), but went one better this time around. Also, having earned her first event victory on the World Tour last time out in Chile, this result will see the 27-year-old become the new world No.1 for the first time in her career.

Meanwhile, Alexia Kiefer Quintana (Duotone Windsurfing) - 18 - earns her first podium finish at her home event after seeing off a valiant effort by Maria Morales (Goya Windsurfing) - 18 - who also claims her best result to date on the World Tour - 4th - as the next generation start to impose themselves on the full tour. Kiefer Quintana has now claimed back-to-back podiums after finishing second in Chile and will now firmly be in the hunt for a place on the overall podium come the end of the year. Both girls consistently landed back and forward loops, while taking an aggressive approach to their wave riding.

Sol Degrieck (Severne / Severne Sails) is the youngest member of the marauding next generation and the 14-year-old backed up her podium finish in Chile - 3rd - with a solid fifth place here, which she shares alongside Pauline Katz (Severne / Severne Sails), who sailed solidly throughout.


Marino Gil (JP / NeilPryde) came came agonisingly close to winning his home event last year - losing out by just 0.04 of a point to then teammate - Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing) - in the single elimination, before forcing a Super Final in the double elimination, so he was clearly hungry to go one better this time out. The hugely popular local produced the highest scoring heat yesterday to send out a warning to his rivals and he was able to backup that today as he deservedly claimed his maiden victory on the World Tour after producing an accomplished performance. Gil has great awareness in the air, consistently landing stalled double forwards, while when presented with an ideal ramp he landed an almost perfect pushloop forward - 9.57 points - during the final to seal the deal after being placed under pressure by first time finalist - Julian Salmonn (Bruch Boards / GUNSAILS). Gil also shone in the waves landing frontside 3s and takas to deservedly claim the top spot on the podium for the first time in his career.

In the preview, I wrote that it is almost impossible to make the podium without being able to both double forward and pushloop forward, however, that mould was broken today as Julian Salmonn qualified for his first winners’ final. The German produced an array of massive stalled forwards and one-hand, one-foot backloops, but the reason he managed to qualify for the final is because of his radical wave riding. Whether that was going vertical for a proper frontside snap, or rotating through frontside 3s, or goiters, it was truly his approach to wave riding that proved the difference. Even in the final, the 25-year-old outscored Gil, 14 points to 10.74 points in wave riding. while in the previous heat, 25a - where he faced 7-time event champion - Philip Köster (Severne / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins) - and Liam Dunkerbeck (Starboard / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins) he also came out on top to progress. Salmonn’s bias towards wave riding was also clearly obvious as he often started his heats by wave riding, which is almost unheard of in Pozo, which is usually dominated by jumpers. Ultimately, Salmonn couldn’t quite reel in Gil, but second place represents a huge result for Salmonn!

Philip Köster missed out on a spot in the final by just 0.42 of a point and the 5-time world champion seemed to use that as motivation in the b-final to secure the final place of the podium. For me, Köster made a gesture almost much the same as Jude Bellingham did for England on Saturday - stating I know I’m extremely good - without being arrogant - but just backing themselves with enough self belief to think you are the best. The 30-year-old may have been slightly aggrieved at missing out on a spot in the final and decided to pull the trigger of the triple forward loop for the first time since 2015. Not only did he pull the trigger, but he also got as close as anyone has ever got to landing a recorded triple loop.

Dieter Van der Eyken (Severne / Severne Sails) will remember this day for a long time to come after the Belgian secured his best ever finish on the PWA Wave World Tour. Much like Salmonn, the Belgian 2015 PWA Freestyle world champion, inflicted much of his damage with his dynamic wave riding - consistently landing frontside 3s and taking a Jaeger Stone-ish approach to his wave riding. Van der Eyken was visibly delighted to have broken into the top four and rightly so!

Unfortunately, Alessio Stillrich (Simmer / Simmer Sails) will face some time on the sidelines after snapping a tendon in his leg. The Spaniard was leading Heat 22 before he injured himself and everyone wishes him a quick recovery.

The forecast looks incredibly windy again tomorrow and with the Pro Wave event completed it could be the turn for Slalom X to take place in some nuclear conditions!