KIA Cold Hawaii PWA WC Tag 2

Die Teilnehmer bleiben auch zweiten Tag auf stand by, das Wartespiel geht weiter.

Der zweite Tag des KIA Cold Hawaii-World Cups begann mit großen Hoffnungen nach einer vielversprechenden Wetterprognose. Leider stellten sich die angekündigten guten Bedingungen nicht ein. Ablandiger Wind und nahezu keine Wellen zwangen die Wavesurfer erneut den ganzen Tag mit warten zu verbringen. Around midday the conditions did improve for a time with the sunshine breaking through the earlier clouds, whilst the wind picked up to create a small wave. This first tempted Camille Juban (Quatro / Avanti / MFC) out onto the water, before several other sailors also headed out for a short time. Unfortunately though the conditions soon deteriorated and it was not possible to start the trials. Earlier in the day we caught up with a couple of sailors to see what they think about Cold Hawaii and the event: Adam Lewis (Fanatic / North), who currently completes the world’s overall top ten: “I always look forward to the Cold Hawaii event, it’s one of my favourite events of the year, Historically speaking it’s been one of the most consistent events — with a 100% record over the last six years — hopefully this year we’ll get some epic conditions again. Aside from the great conditions everyone is also really friendly and the event has a great vibe surrounding it.” Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC), who won a single elimination here in 2011 and currently occupies fifth place in the overall rankings: “Cold Hawaii is a really nice location. I think it’s a great event to have on the world tour as it’s quite different to the other locations and it has such a wide range of potential conditions. Last year we had anything from side-off down-the-line to onshore all in one week, so you can experience all kinds of conditions in the same location. The people are great and it’s a stop that I’d hope continues to be on the tour in the future.” The current forecast looks as though tomorrow will see another lay day for the wave sailing elite, with wind expected to swing southeasterly by the afternoon and less swell also being predicted compared to today. However, whilst tomorrow doesn’t look good on the forecast, there has been a change in our favour for Thursday, which now predicts winds of up to 35 knots from the south to southwest, accompanied by waves of up to 3 metres. Meanwhile, the forecast for Friday and Saturday has also improved so it looks as though sailors patience will eventually pay off. The sailors will meet again at 8:30am tomorrow morning for the skippers’ meeting with the action commencing from 9am — if conditions allow. As always you’ll be able to stay up to date with all of the latest news by tuning into — here you’ll be able to follow everything as it happens via the PWA live stream and live ticker.