PWA Alacati Day 5

Tag 5: Top Bedingungen am vorletzten Tag. Die Mortefons führen und Offringa ist wieder auf der Siegstrasse zurück.

Der vorletzte Tag des 2015 Pegasus Airlines PWA World Cups in Alacati bot beste Windbedingungen, zwei komplette Eliminations konnten abgeschlossen werden. Mit den Rennergebnissen heute bleibt es auch für den letzten Tag des Events sehr spannend. Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / North) hat verdient seinen Platz an der Spitze der Rangliste gehalten, er gewann eine Elimination und wurde in einer weiteren Dritter. Sein Teamkollege Matteo Iachino (Fanatic / North) beendete die bisher makellose Bilanz des Franzosen indem er die letzte Elimination des Tages gewann. Spannung auch bei den Damen, Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins) ist mit zwei gewonnenen Eliminations wieder beim Rennen um den Eventsieg vorne dabei. Bislang führt allerdings mit einem zweiten und einem dritten Platz heute Marion Mortefon (Patrik / Gun Sails). Die Windvorhersage für den morgigen und letzten Tag des 2015 Pegasus Airlines PWA World Cups sehen noch besser aus als für heute. Wir hoffen auf spannende Rennen am Finaltag in Alacati.  Women’s / Elimination Two Winners’ Final Sarah-Quita Offringa may not have been on top form on the opening day of racing, but she made absolutely no mistakes today. Local hero Cagla Kubat (Starboard / Severne) may have been first over the line in the winners’ final, but by the time the fleet approached the first mark it was Offringa who had assumed the lead. From here Offringa continued to show unstoppable pace and it wasn’t long before the Aruban gem was claiming her first bullet of the event — at the second time of asking. Kubat, although not able to keep up with Offringa was miles ahead of Marion Mortefon in third, whilst the top four was completed by Mio Anayama (Starboard / NeilPryde), who was able to overtake Valerie Ghibaudo (Tabou / GA Sails) after an excellent gybe at the third buoy. Meanwhile, Fulya Ünlü (Starboard / Severne) - had to settle for a disappointing sixth place as the event lead slipped through her fingers. At this stage of the day Cagla Kubat and Marion Mortefon shared the event lead. Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Gun Sails) may have missed out on the winners’ final, but made the best recovery possible as she won the losers’ final ahead of Cécile Decourt (KA Sail), Marion Dusart (Patrik / Gun Sails) and Marianne Rautelin Kaplas (Patrik / Loft Sails)   Elimination Three / Winners’ Final Marion Mortefon made the perfect start to the second winners’ final of the day as she looked to cement her place at the top of the events rankings with — Cagla Kubat — missing from the winners’ final for the first time at the event. Mortefon was able to do just that as she finished the final in second place, but Sarah-Quita Offringa is now ominously placed to challenge, if not steal, the event victory from her grasp after once again flying into the lead by the opening buoy. Offringa continued to lay down the gauntlet over the remainder of the course to claim another clear cut victory — and if she can reproduce the same form tomorrow will reign victorious with the discard coming into play in elimination four. Behind the front two were Lena Erdil (Patrik / Point-7 / Mystic / AL360) and Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Gun Sails) — with the former managing to overtake the reigning world champion by the time they approached the third. A title defence for Cousin now looks almost impossible — barring disaster for her main rivals in the final event of the year, which will take place in New Caledonia. Just as Delphine Cousin managed to salvage the best after a semifinal exit in Race 2, Fulya Ünlü, produced the same response to claim victory in the losers’ final. The nineteen year old was comfortably qualifying for the winners’ final in Heat 5 before unexpectedly dropping her final gybe under no pressure. Sarah Quita reflects on her comeback today: “I had a really amazing day, it could not have been any better for me. I think I won all of my races today, the qualifying and the finals. I hope we make a discard tomorrow, I still need that for the last race and then hopefully I can finish in the top three, for now I am relieved and happy so hopefully I will sleep well tonight” Men’s / Elimination Two Winners’ Final Pierre Mortefon picked up exactly where he left off from on day two to claim another emphatic victory in the opening men’s winners’ final of the day as he continued to perform on another level to anyone else. The Frenchman rounded the first mark in the lead and never once looked like giving his position away as he made it two victories out of two. Behind him Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) recovered from his disappointing result in the opening race to claim second place and reignite hit title challenge for the title here in Alacati. Behind him Tristan Algret (Starboard / Severne) backed up his best result ever with another excellent third place as the PWA Youth Slalom World Champion lived up to his potential, whilst Matteo Iachino finished in fourth place. Marco Lang (Fanatic / North) was on the wrong end of the no-rules slalom rules today. The Austrian held a qualifying place as he headed down the final reach. However, Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) was doing all he could to overtake, but as he cut upwind he clipped Lang to send him flying over the handle bars, whilst securing himself the final place in the winners’ final. Matteo Iachino also enjoyed a slice of luck in the first semifinal, which was cancelled as the top four rounded the final mark. Upon the restart, Iachino made no mistake to win Heat 13 as Tristan Algret (Starboard / Severne), Antoine Questel (Starboard / GA Sails) and Steve Allen all qualified for the final Elimination Three Winners’ Final Given Pierre Mortefon’s perfect record thus far, the result of the third race seemed somewhat of a formality such was the Frenchman’s dominance up to now. However, his rivals weren’t about to take it lying down and Malte Reuscher (JP / NeilPryde) stole the march on the fleet as he timed his start the best. By the first mark though — Iachino — had burst into the lead and executed a tight inside gybe to keep Mortefon, Reuscher and Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) — who qualified for his first winners’ final of the week at bay. The Italian has been the most consistent sailor on the tour this year - continually challenging for the top places - and he seized the initiative to extend his lead by the third mark, whilst Taty Frans was able manoeuvre himself into second place ahead of Mortefon and Reuscher. Iachino safely rounded the final buoy to claim his first victory, which could yet prove pivotal in this year’s title race depending on tomorrow. Behind him Frans secured second place followed by Mortefon and Reuscher. Antoine Albeau may have hauled himself back into contention by finishing second in race two, but his hard work was soon undone in elimination three. AA was gunning for the start line in Heat 10, but opted to slam on the brakes in fear of crossing the line early, which on this occasion chose to be the wrong decision. Albeau is usually so pin point, but entered the opening buoy in last place and in the light winds — where he would usually hit back — was powerless to prevent another quarterfinal exit. In terms of the world title this may not influence the race with Albeau instantly being able to discard this result, but you can still expect to see him gunning for the top tomorrow as he look to place a dent in his rivals bids. Taty Frans and Jordy Vonk (Starboard / Point-7) hadn’t produced their best performances until now, but not found their top form in the final elimination of the day to finish the penultimate day of the event on a high - and probably harbour high hopes for tomorrow. As previously mentioned Frans claimed second place whilst, Vonk claimed eighth. The forecast for tomorrow is better than it was for today and should lead to an intense finish to the event. Pierre Mortefon has the event title seemingly at his mercy, whilst his younger sister currently holds the event lead, however she will have her hands-full if she wishes to deny Sarah-Quita Offringa victory, given the form she found today. Skippers’ meeting will be held at 10:30am tomorrow morning with the action. Pierre Mortefon enters the last day in control: “Today was a solid day for me with victory in the second race and the third in the last final. I had a decent start in the last round and I was thinking to take the lead but I arrived with me team mate Matteo Iachino and I had to gybe a little bit wide and he came in on the inside. After that I was in third so I thought to myself I keep my place and take it easy. It was not so many points but it still was a solid day for me, I am happy with that!” The forecast for tomorrow is better than it was for today and should lead to an intense finish to the event. Pierre Mortefon has the event title seemingly at his mercy, whilst his younger sister currently holds the event lead, however she will have her hands-full if she wishes to deny Sarah-Quita Offringa victory, given the form she found today. Skippers’ meeting will be held at 10:30am tomorrow morning with the action commencing from 11am onwards. You will be able to stay up to date with all of the latest developments via the PWA live ticker @ Current Standings After 3 Eliminations Pegasus Airlines Alacati PWA World Cup - Men’s Slalom 1st Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / North) 2nd Matteo Iachino (Fanatic / North)  3rd Tristan Alget (Starboard / Severne) 4th Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) 5th Steven Allen (Starboard / Severne) 6th Ben Van der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails) 7th Malte Reuscher (JP / NeilPryde) 8th Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails)   9th Casper Bouman (Starboard / NeilPryde) 10th Maciek Rutkowski (Patrik / Point-7) Current Standings After 3 Eliminations Pegasus Airlines Alacati PWA World Cup - Women’s Slalom 1st Marion Mortefon (Patrik / Gun Sails) 2nd Lena Erdil (Patrik / Point-7 / Mystic / Point-7) 3rd Fulya Ünlü (Starboard / Severne) 4th Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Gun Sails) 5th Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins) 6th Cagla Kubat (Starboard / Severne) 7th Marion Dusart (Patrik / Gun Sails / Flymount) 8th Valerie Ghibaudo (Tabou / GA Sails) 9th Esther De Geus (99NoveNove / Point-7) 10th Ayako Suzuki (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic)