Ulsan PWA World Cup - Tag 1

Ready for action – nur der Wind spielt am ersten Tag nicht mit.

Die 2015 PWA Slalom Tour hat nun offiziell begonnen, die erste Veranstaltung der Saison läuft. Leider hat es der Wind versäumt, an diesem ersten Tag des 2015 Ulsan PWA World Cup mitzuspielen. Das hochkarätige Fahrerfeld, das sich am Jinha Strand eingefunden hat, verspricht eine spektakuläre Show sobald sich die Bedingungen in den nächsten Tagen verbessern. Der heutige, ruhige Tag gab den Teilnehmern Gelegenheit, nach der Registrierung, ihre Ausrüstung für die nächsten Tage vorzubereiten. Der 2015er Ulsan PWA World Cup ist auch der erste Slalom Event seit der italienische Slalomstar Alberto Menegatti Anfang diesen Jahres unerwartet verstorben ist. Josh Angulo, Jimmy Diaz und Arnon Dagan sprachen bei einem Gedenken an ihren früheren Mitbewerber und Freund einige Worte. The fleet is ready for action after a sunny, but calm first day. The 2015 PWA slalom tour is officially underway as the first event of the season has kicked off. While the wind has failed to materialise on this first day of the 2015 Ulsan PWA World Cup, the amount of slalom talent that has touched down on Jinha Beach promises a spectacular show once conditions improve over the next few days. Today’s calm gave the sailors a laidback chance to register, catch up with the other competitors after the winter break and prepare their gear for what is to come. The 2015 Ulsan PWA World Cup also marks the first slalom event since Italian slalom star Alberto Menegatti passed away unexpectedly earlier this year. Coming together for the first time since Menegatti’s untimely death, the sailors paid their respects by using their boards to lay out the Italian’s sail number ITA-4 on the beach. Josh Angulo, Jimmy Diaz and Arnon Dagan spoke a few words about their late fellow competitor and friend. Like previous years, the town of Ulsan has proven incredibly hospitable, giving the sailors and race crew a very warm welcome. Even on a windless day like today, the arrival of the world’s top windsurfers draws a great deal of spectators to the beach in anticipation of the racing up ahead. The forecast for tomorrow looks promising and the racecourse is set, so tune in again tomorrow for what will hopefully be the first slalom action here at the 2015 Ulsan PWA World Cup. The skippers meeting is scheduled for 10:00, with things kicking off at 10:30 if conditions deliver the goods. In the meantime, check out the pictures of the first day under the South Korean sun in the image gallery to get a taste of PWA slalom world tour life here on Jinha Beach.