Toselli zu 99NoveNove

Überraschender Wechsel im Slalom. Pascal Toselli ist nun komplett in italienischer Hand

Noch vor 1-2 Jahren war “99 NoveNove” nur innerhalb Italiens und bei einigen Custom Liebhabern ein Begriff, doch die kleine italienische Marke investiert nun mächtig in ein schlagkräftiges Team. Im letzten Jahr wurde bereits der Freestyler Nico Akgazciyan ins Team aufgenommen, vor einigen Monaten zog AVANTI Boss Finian Maynard nach. Seit heute hat Finian nicht nur einen erstklassigen R&D und Trainingspartner, sondern Nicolas auch einen Landsmann im 99 NoveNove Team. Pascal Toselli wechselt mit sofortiger Wirkung von Starboard und ist nun, dank Point-7, komplett in “italienischer Hand”. Erste Bilder und Statements zum langfristigen Vertrag des Franzosen findet ihr unten. Cesare Cantagalli – 99NoveNove Brand Manager
“It’s a great pleasure and honor to announce that Pascal has chosen 99-NoveNove as the boards for his 2015 racing season. I leave it up to him as we all trust we have put together a great team of riders with a clear objective in mind and also to help the company grow and be all part of a great project. Time will tell… meantime, on behalf of all of us we wish Pascal all the best for a successful 2015 season together!”. Pascal Toselli – FRA 916
“Change for 2015! I am very happy to join the 99 Team, at the side of Finian as he is somebody who is passionate and one of the best developers of slalom gear in the world today. The collaboration with Gianni and the rest of the team I believe will be effective. The dynamism and future projects of this young brand are really positive and this greatly motivates me for the future. I already feel inside the family. NoveNove has the technology to work on the development of materials in perfect conditions and I really feel in ‘my place’. We begin a lasting relationship where everyone seems to go in the same direction. Our new collaboration makes sense and I really look forward to start working together! I am more motivated than ever, the winter training will begin early this year and will be intense!”.