PWA Ulsan cancelled

Der PWA Worldcup in Korea wurde von den Veranstaltern abgesagt.

Aufgrund des tragischen Schiffsunglücks vor der südkoreanischen Küste wurden alle öffentlichen Events abgesagt. Dazu gehört auch der erste Slalom-Worldcup des Jahres in Ulsan, der in wenigen Tagen starten sollte. Der erste PWA  Salom-Worldcup wird denn Ende Mai an der Costa Brava ausgetragen. Hier die offizielle Mitteilung  der PWA:

Dear Sailors
Regrettably, as expected, the upcoming Ulsan PWA World Cup in South Korea has been cancelled by the organisers. The country is in a national state of mourning and, as a result, most public events and celebrations are being cancelled as a sign of respect.
We appreciate that many of you have made arrangements and booked flights as have the PWA for the crew. We recommend that anyone who has made reservations, contact their airline immediately to investigate their cancellation options. We will bring further information about what assistance can be given with any costs incurred as soon as we can, but in the meantime we ask for your understanding in what is a difficult situation for all involved.
One again we would like to express our deepest condolences and understanding to the people of South Korea and the friends and families of those affected directly by the disaster.
Kind regards